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Property Mapper - FrameMaker Plugin

Property Mapper is a plugin supporting FrameMaker versions 8 and above. This plugin globally updates properties in FM files making it easier to produce localized content without maintaining multiple sets of templates.

It was developed as a publishing plugin for DITA-FMx, but can be used as a stand-alone tool or called from other types of automation (FrameScript, ExtendScript, or FDK client). It can be used on both structured and unstructured files.

Property Mapper operates based on property data stored in DITA XML files. You don't need to be using DITA for your content, that's just the model that was chosen as the storage format for the property data. Not all FM document properties are supported by Property Mapper, just those that are likely to be changed when switching from one locale-specific version of a template to another. If you'd like to see additional properties supported, contact Leximation.

In the originally intended workflow, this plugin would be included in the DITA-FMx book-build process, and would transform properties in the base (typically English) template into the target locale. Rather than maintaining a separate template for each locale, you'd just set up a "property map" that would update the specified properties to have new values appropriate for the target language.

The following properties can be modified with this plugin either globally or individually:

Document Object

  • Document display units

Paragraph Format Objects

  • AutoNumber string
  • FontFamily
  • CombinedFontFamily
  • Language
  • Color
  • Name
  • Hyphenation
  • AdjHyphens (Max # Adjacent option)
  • HyphMinWord (Shortest Word option)
  • HyphMinPrefix (Shortest Prefix option)
  • HyphMinSuffix (Shortest Suffix option)
  • Alignment
  • First indent
  • Left indent
  • Right indent
  • Above Pgf
  • Below Pgf
  • Line spacing
  • Frame above
  • Frame below
  • Direction (FM 2015+ only)
  • Tabs

Character Format Objects

  • FontFamily
  • CombinedFontFamily
  • Language
  • Color
  • Name

Cross-ref Format Objects

  • Format definition
  • Name

Variable Format Objects

  • Format definition
  • Name

The Property Mapper documentation is available online at : docs.leximation.com/propertymapper.


Due to Adobe's mid-release update of the FDK, PropertyMapper will not work on FM 17.0.4 or later. Do not install the FM updates after "Update 3" (17.0.3)! If you've installed the 17.0.4 update, you can reinstall 17.0.3 by downloading the Update 3 installer (under "Download previous versions > September 2022 release"). If you have any questions, please contact Leximation.

Buy PropertyMapper v.1.06 (Windows; FrameMaker v.8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)

» Property Mapper Revision History